
Mechanical Metallurgy for Two-Dimensional Crystals

1. Exceptional electronic transport and quantum oscillations in thin bismuth crystals grown inside van der Waals materials Authors: L. Chen, A. X. Wu, N. Tulu, J. Wang, A. Juanson, K. Watanabe, T. Taniguchi, M. T. Pettes, M. Campbell, C. A. Gadre, Y. Zhou, H. Chen, P. Cao, L. A. Jauregui, R. Wu, X. Pan, and […]

Anomalous Hall Crystals or Moiré Chern Insulators? Spontaneous versus explicit translational symmetry breaking in graphene pentalayers

1. Theory of fractional quantum anomalous Hall phases in pentalayer rhombohedral graphene moiré structures Authors: Zhihuan Dong, Adarsh S. Patri, and T. Senthil arXiv:2311.03445; DOI: 10.48550/arXiv.2311.03445 2. Fractional quantum anomalous Hall effects in rhombohedral multilayer graphene in the moiréless limit and in Coulomb imprinted superlattice Authors: Boran Zhou, Hui Yang, and Ya-Hui Zhang arXiv:2311.04217; DOI: […]

