
1. Robust ecological pattern formation induced by demographic noise / 2. Stochastic Turing patterns in the Brusselator model

1. Robust ecological pattern formation induced by demographic noise Authors: Thomas Butler and Nigel Goldenfeld, Phys. Rev. E 80, 030902(R) (2009) 2. Stochastic Turing patterns in the Brusselator model Authors: Tommaso Biancalani, Duccio Fanelli and Francesca Di Patti http://arxiv.org/abs/0910.4984 (2010) Recommended with a commentary by Mehran Kardar, MIT | View Commentary (pdf) | DOI: 10.36471/JCCM_March_2010_01 […]

Observation of universal bound state spectrum near a magnetic quantum critical point

Quantum Criticality in an Ising Chain: Experimental Evidence for Emergent E8 SymmetryAuthors: R. Coldea, D. A. Tennant, E. M. Wheeler, E. Wawrzynska, D. Prabhakaran, M. Telling, K. Habicht, P. Smeibidl, K. KieferScience 327, 177 (2010) Recommended with a commentary by Ashvin Vishwanath, UC Berkeley | View Commentary (pdf) | DOI: 10.36471/JCCM_March_2010_02https://doi.org/10.36471/JCCM_March_2010_02

Electric field control of spin-orbit interaction and superconductivity at oxide interfaces

1. Tunable Rashba spin-orbit interaction at oxide interfaces Authors: N. Reyren, S. Thiel, A.D. Caviglia, M. Gabay, S. Gariglio, N. Reyren, C. Cancellieri, and J.-M. Triscone, http://arxiv.org/abs/0912.3731 2. Tuning spin-orbit coupling and superconductivity at the SrTiO3/LaAlO3 interface: a magneto-transport study Authors:  M. Ben Shalom, M. Sachs, D. Rakhmilevitch, A. Palevski, and Y. Dagan, http://arxiv.org/abs/1001.0781 Recommended […]

