
Pressure in an active fluid

Pressure and Phase Equilibria in Interacting Active Brownian Spheres. Authors: A. P. Solon, J. Stenhammar, R. Wittkowski, M. Kardar, Y. Kafri, M. E. Cates, J. Tailleur. arXiv:1412.5475 Recommended with a commentary by Aparna Baskaran, Brandeis University |View Commentary| DOI: 10.36471/JCCM_February_2015_01 https://doi.org/10.36471/JCCM_February_2015_01

Experimental Observation of Weyl Semimetals

1.Experimental observation of Weyl points. Authors: Ling Lu, Zhiyu Wang, Dexin Ye, Lixin Ran, Liang Fu, John D. Joannopoulos, Marin Soljacic. arXiv:1502.03438 2.Experimental realization of a topological Weyl semimetal phase with Fermi arc surface states in TaAs. Authors: S.Y. Xu, I. Belopolski, N. Alidoust, M. Neupane, C. Zhang, R. Sankar, S.M. Huang, C.C. Lee, G. […]

The Ironics: Strong Coupling or Weak Coupling in the Wonderland

1.Mott-Kondo Insulator Behavior in the Iron Oxychalcogenides. Authors: B. Freelon, Yu Hao Liu, Jeng-Lung Chen, L. Craco, M. S. Laad, S. Leoni, Jiaqi Chen, Li Tao, Hangdong Wang, R. Flauca, Z. Yamani, Minghu Fang, Chinglin Chang, J.H. Guo and Z. Hussain. arXiv:1501.00332 2.FeSe: a model system for Fe based superconductors. Authors: B. Büchner. KITP Program: […]

