
Renormalizing complex models: It is hard without Landau!

1. Parameter Space Compression Underlies Emergent Theories and Predictive Models. Authors: Benjamin B. Machta, Ricky Chachra, Mark K. Transtrum, and James P. Sethna. Science 342, 604-607 (2013) 2. PCA meets RG. Authors: Serena Bradde and William Bialek. arXiv:1610.09733 Recommended with a commentary by Ilya Nemenman, Emory University. |View Commentary| DOI: 10.36471/JCCM_February_2017_01 https://doi.org/10.36471/JCCM_February_2017_01

Quantum simulation of Hubbard model

1. Experimental realization of a long-range antiferromagnet in the Hubbard model with ultracold atoms. Authors: A. Mazurenko, C. S. Chiu, G. Ji, M. F. Parsons, M. Kanasz-Nagy, R. Schmidt, F. Grusdt, E. Demler, D. Greif, and M. Greiner. arXiv:1612.08436 Recommended with a commentary by Dung-Hai Lee, University of California, Berkeley. |View Commentary| DOI: 10.36471/JCCM_February_2017_02 https://doi.org/10.36471/JCCM_February_2017_02

No Go Theorems in Interacting Fermions

1. Pomeranchuk instability and response beyond the quasiparticle regime. Authors: Egor I. Kiselev, Mathias S. Scheurer, Peter Wölfle, and Jörg Schmalian. arXiv:1611.01442 2.Conservation and persistence of spin currents and their relation to the Lieb-Schulz-Mattis twist operators. Authors: N. Bray-Ali and Z. Nussinov. Phys. Rev. B 80, 012401 (2009) Recommended with a commentary by Chandra Varma, […]

